Can someone translate the following mail I have got from Hungaria?
<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
Sajnos nem tudok nemetul, de bizom benne, hogy van ott valaki aki leforditana a keresemet. 67 eves vagyok és most kaptam a fiamtol egy szamitogepet, talaltam a net-n egy vasutepito programot de nem tudtam letolteni. A program JBSS BAHN 3.84 vagy 3.85 Nem tudom van lehetoseg arra, postan elkuldenek egy CD-t amin rajta van a program, amennyiben nem nagyon draga es en itt forintba kifizetnem. A szamito gepen Windows Xp van telepitve. Cimem...(address)...
Ha ne sikerul akkor is megkoszonve maradok tisztelettel:...(name)</tr></td></table>
Thank you / Köszi,
Jan B.
Request for Translation
- Beiträge: 2211
- Registriert: Sonntag 16. März 2003, 15:25
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: Request for Translation
The translation - now into English:
"Sorry, I can't speak German [I also can't - Blöky], but I hope there is somebody who will translate my asking. I am 67 and I got a computer from my son and found a railway construction program on the net but could'not download it. It is JBSS Bahn 3.84 or 3.85. Is there any possibilty to send me a CD with the program, if it's not too expensive and I will pay it in HUF here? On my computer Windows XP is installed. My address is ...
If it is not succesful, also then I say thanks, with the best regards ..."
"Sorry, I can't speak German [I also can't - Blöky], but I hope there is somebody who will translate my asking. I am 67 and I got a computer from my son and found a railway construction program on the net but could'not download it. It is JBSS Bahn 3.84 or 3.85. Is there any possibilty to send me a CD with the program, if it's not too expensive and I will pay it in HUF here? On my computer Windows XP is installed. My address is ...
If it is not succesful, also then I say thanks, with the best regards ..."
Zuletzt geändert von Blöky am Mittwoch 4. Februar 2009, 22:51, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
- Beiträge: 2211
- Registriert: Sonntag 16. März 2003, 15:25
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: Request for Translation
<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">The translation - now into English:</tr></td></table>
Thank you very much / Köszönöm (?),
Jan B.
Thank you very much / Köszönöm (?),
Jan B.