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looking for english modern stock

Verfasst: Dienstag 8. August 2006, 17:56
von broodje
I'm currently looking for some English stock for bahn, but I am unable to find any stock except for the build in material. Am I going blind or did I not use the correct search terms in google?
I'm mainly looking for stock used on the ECML and on the NLL.
I hope someone can help me out, Kings Cross looks a bit empty without any stock.
i there is no English Bahn stock could someone point me out to some proper drawings for English stock? (I mean something like .gif or paint files) or pictures taken from the side? I'm unable to find useful pictures of English stock as all picture seam to be taken from an angle. Oh and while I'm at it, I'd need some data then about the sizes of the stock as well.

Thanks, Daan

Re: looking for english modern stock

Verfasst: Samstag 12. August 2006, 14:28
von Sascha Claus

a lot of English stock could be found in the BAHN-Atelier, but it is closed since a few years now. You might have a look at the 1st English Teamwork Project, some vehicles are used there.

Download of First English Teamwork Project

Re: looking for english modern stock

Verfasst: Samstag 12. August 2006, 16:48
von broodje
yeah I saw the English Teamwork project... I'm currently trying to understand how the huge hump yards work :).
Unfortunately they used stock from before the privatisation while I was mainly looking for GNER and First stock especially; the class91 and MarkIV stock.