English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

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Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1936
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Montag 3. März 2025, 23:12And then there are the planned, additional rush-hour trains, which will fill IC1 to a 15min-interval until Torkham (but only morning and evening). One half would continue northwards to Coates (as usual), aiming for tourists and business travellers. The other half, instead of becoming IC11, could deliver tourists into the surroundings: Willey – Bordele – coast, the surrounding countryside, the mountains, … There will only be a handful of trains each day, and each one could serve a different direction.

since half of the other affected parties are currently busy, this is the time to make some plans. :D IC1 leaves Clydesgow shortly after the half and full hour (:04 and :34) and needs about two hours to Coates. So if IC1e is leaving Clydesgow 6:19, 6:49, 7:19 and 7:49, we get a two-hour window with 15min interval. Arrival of this window in Coates would be around 8:00-10:00. I expect a fleet of trains running in the opposite direction at the same time. :)

The Coates part will get a special TEE-/Rheingold-like livery and a large 1st class section. Whether it runs accellerated north of Torkham will be left to the local railway companies; south of Torkham, faster than 220km/h line speed won’t be possible anyway. Now we just have to distribute the other four (touristic) parts; and maybe some additional IR1e trains. I’d suggest something like this, with the trains stopping even in small villages in the final segment:
Maybe one along the river from Willey to Farris, if that is scenic and draws tourists? Next step: distribution of IC2e trains west of Oban. :wink:

1993matias hat geschrieben: Dienstag 4. März 2025, 11:55Capacity is limited due to the S-trains sharing tracks with the long distance services. I may not be able to find another fast timetable slot for more IC!
Erik’s ICs could be coupled with mine from Farris to Coates.
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[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
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Registriert: Samstag 28. Dezember 2024, 18:17
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Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von _Erik_ »

Good evening,

Yesterday I uploaded the wrong network file. So now uploaded the up to date version 51.1.1. :)
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Registriert: Samstag 28. Dezember 2024, 18:17
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Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von _Erik_ »

Hello and good evening :)

Hope you're all well and not too baffled by the world in general.

Just uploaded the latest version of the network file (51.2) and a network diagram.

The network file now has most of the lines in the eastern part of Woostershire in draft. Claimed an other week of time to work on the western part and hopefully start to run some trains of my own. I could have been a bit further along, but I let the time run past midnight without setting the appropriate times for Sacha's trains. So, had to go back a minor version. Fortunately now everything is running fine.

The network diagram speaks mostly for itself. Lines across borders are mostly the connections we talked about earlier, or suggestions (like the IC10 to Oban along the Grand Trunk.

Train numbers outside of Woostershire are indications of which services they could be an extension.The numbers are the numbers in Woostershire. The assumption being that services can be renamed or renumbered at borders.

The blue/greyish lines are freight corridors, the letters indicate the corridors, not lines. In the west there is space for a freight connection into Inverfyne. There are 2 options here: along the coast or parallel to the high speed line.

I'll attach the diagram here so you don't have to log in to google first :)

@Sacha: in the network file I also made a suggestion for the border at Torkham with the aid of some trees. Most of the city's existing infrastructure will be yours, with the exception of the northwest corner. I was planning on a bypass anyway (see the sketch I send before), but this combines a few options. Goods trains from the west to the north or north east (or the other way round) can bypass the busy Torkham Central and Inverlochy area. Since these station are very busy it also gives the opportunity for a "Torkham North" train stop for the RE5, local services from Widgeon and maybe a Torkham S-bahn service(?). The RE5 can continue to Inverlochy if there is space there, or pass by further north.
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Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Samstag 28. Dezember 2024, 18:17
Wohnort: Utrecht (NL)

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von _Erik_ »

Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Mittwoch 26. Februar 2025, 18:14 I just noticed that you drew a line that is bypassing my Inverchorachan in the north. Is this intentional or just inaccurate handpainting?
Inaccurate handpainting :) See the network file and the diagram.
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1936
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

Juuhdn Ahmd,
_Erik_ hat geschrieben: Montag 10. März 2025, 21:09[…], but I let the time run past midnight without setting the appropriate times for Sacha's trains. So, had to go back a minor version. Fortunately now everything is running fine.
there are some helpful secret functions in BAHN: in addition to the auto-stop time, under Options -> File Options -> Automated saving of layout files you can set BAHN to automatically save the file at midnight, so that you don’t have to go back too far. But remember to save at least one network file somewhere else, in case you don’t have enough NT2 files afterward.
The network diagram speaks mostly for itself. Lines across borders are mostly the connections we talked about earlier, or suggestions (like the IC10 to Oban along the Grand Trunk.
Just in case you didn’t read the whole thread all the way back: IC2 and IR2 to Oban are prepared for a split in the middle (similar to IC1 and IR1 in Torkham); it has two bistro cars and two 1st class sections (just like IC1/IR1 and IC4/IR4). You can split it and continue to two different destinations.
The blue/greyish lines are freight corridors, the letters indicate the corridors, not lines. In the west there is space for a freight connection into Inverfyne. There are 2 options here: along the coast or parallel to the high speed line.
I’d prefer to send freight along the existing, old line(s); not the high-speed line.
As your supply lines of lowercase s seems to have some issues, here are some: s s s s :lol:
in the network file I also made a suggestion for the border at Torkham with the aid of some trees. Most of the city's existing infrastructure will be yours, with the exception of the northwest corner. I was planning on a bypass anyway (see the sketch I send before), but this combines a few options. Goods trains from the west to the north or north east (or the other way round) can bypass the busy Torkham Central and Inverlochy area.
I already built a goods bypass line around the northwestern quarter of the city, complete with a big mess of lines at Inverlochy that specifically includes grade-separated connections between all directions. :) OTOH, it wouldn’t be the first railway line built to circumvent a city in another, now friendly, country.
Since these station are very busy it also gives the opportunity for a "Torkham North" train stop for the RE5, local services from Widgeon and maybe a Torkham S-bahn service(?). The RE5 can continue to Inverlochy if there is space there, or pass by further north.
Ahh, the Torkham regional trains … the “big meeting” is every hour :15 and :45, and all trains are supposed to arrive shortly before and leave shortly after (except IC1/11/12, where it didn’t work out).

:arrow: T10 to south (Kingshouse via Glencoe) is planned to leave Torkham Central :20 and :50, with departure at Inverlochy somewhat earlier, arrival from south is planned to be :10 and :40
:arrow: T12 to north (Farris via Traversham) is planned to leave Torkham Central :20 and :50, with departure at Glencoe somewhat earlier, arrival from north is planned to be :10 and :40
:arrow: T13 to northeast (Willey via Woncaster) is planned to leave Torkham Central :00 and :30, with departure at Glencoe somewhat earlier, arrival from north is planned to be :00 and :30

If you put the puzzle together, you get a 10min-interval from Inverlochy to Glencoe:

Code: Alles auswählen

Torkham Central southbound
:00 T13 -> northeast -> Inverlochy -> Glencoe               (feeding passengers to IRs and other trains)
:10 T12 -> north - - -> Inverlochy -> Glencoe               (feeding passengers)
:15 “all trains meet”
:20 T10 -> - - - - - -> Inverlochy -> Glencoe -> Kingshouse (collecting passengers from IRs and other trains)
:30 T13 -> northeast -> Inverlochy -> Glencoe               (feeding passengers to IRs)
:40 T12 -> north - - -> Inverlochy -> Glencoe               (feeding passengers)
:45 “all trains meet”
:50 T10 -> - - - - - -> Inverlochy -> Glencoe -> Kingshouse (collecting passengers from IRs)
Current timings of these routes are completely different (I need to change that ASAP). Stopping pattern north of Inverlochy, northern termini and route numbers of T12 and T13 are up to you; after all, these are just your regional trains through-routed to the other end of Torkham. (And of course, passengers are free to go wherever they want in Torkham, they are not required to change to an IR :D )

The same is planned for the east-west routes T11, T14 and a not-yet-existing T??, with a 10min-interval from the nameless terminus in the west (marked by a big question mark) to Inverlochy. The T10/12/13 and the T11/14/?? bundles together form a 5min interval from Druimarbin to Inverlochy. And once again, T11 and T14 are just regional trains from east and west, through-routed to the other end of Torkham; so outer termini and route numbers … :) For easier digestion, a created a crude map:
:arrow: T11 northwest – ? – Inverlochy (parallel to IC/IR11)†
:arrow: T?? west – ? – Inverlochy (parallel to IZYs)†
:arrow: T14 ? – Inverlochy – east (parallel to IR24)†
† - route number to be determined by the affected neighbours

:arrow: ET ? – Exhibition Centre – to southeast ‡
:arrow: T15 Fochabers – from southwest – ? – Exhibition Centre
‡ - final route number not yet decided
:arrow: an underground NW<->SE trunk (subway), not shown on map

All this assumes one half-hourly local route and one half-hourly faster route (IC or IR) on each line (except IC/IR11 and IC/IR234, which are a fast and a faster route in addition to the all-stop local).
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Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Samstag 28. Dezember 2024, 18:17
Wohnort: Utrecht (NL)

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von _Erik_ »

Schönen Abend,
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Dienstag 11. März 2025, 18:45 As your supply lines of lowercase s seems to have some issues, here are some: s s s s :lol:
Oops, thanks for that bunch of esses, Sascha. So sorry, will put them to good use.
Also thanks for the tips about auto stop and save in BAHN.
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Dienstag 11. März 2025, 18:45 I’d prefer to send freight along the existing, old line(s); not the high-speed line.
Righto. Goods trains can cross the border between Phibbs on Sea and St Peter's Hoverport.
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Dienstag 11. März 2025, 18:45 Just in case you didn’t read the whole thread all the way back: IC2 and IR2 to Oban are prepared for a split in the middle (similar to IC1 and IR1 in Torkham); it has two bistro cars and two 1st class sections (just like IC1/IR1 and IC4/IR4). You can split it and continue to two different destinations.
Sure, if you bring the IC2 and IR2 to Oban, they can go at least as far as Bertrampton and continue to Cairndow, if you like. At the moment I see no use for splitting them.
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Dienstag 11. März 2025, 18:45 I already built a goods bypass line around the northwestern quarter of the city, complete with a big mess of lines at Inverlochy that specifically includes grade-separated connections between all directions. :) OTOH, it wouldn’t be the first railway line built to circumvent a city in another, now friendly, country.
Hahahaha. Hm, well, I guess you're right. In that case and with your permission, I'll use the Inverlochy junction and scrap the northern part of the bypass. If you like, I can set up some signaling.

The timetable stuff is very helpful. I'm sure I'll come back to it later.

By the way, what do you want with St Peter's & Ording? You're welcome to operate the existing HS tracks and platforms. I'll build the local ones adjacent to them and I'll also build the ICC line to the border near St Peter's.
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Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1936
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

G’d ev’n’ng,
_Erik_ hat geschrieben: Dienstag 11. März 2025, 21:13Oops, thanks for that bunch of esses, Sascha. So sorry, will put them to good use.
maybe for an S-Bahn? Or S-Trains, if that doesn’t strain network capacity too much. :lol:
Righto. Goods trains can cross the border between Phibbs on Sea and St Peter's Hoverport.
I assume that it will carry mainly local traffic, between IF and WS, as the hinterland connections from Inverfyne harbour would likely be along the electrified route of IC/IR11.
Sure, if you bring the IC2 and IR2 to Oban, they can go at least as far as Bertrampton and continue to Cairndow, if you like. At the moment I see no use for splitting them.
One part along the River Clyde to Bertrampton, one part in a more westerly/northwesterly direction: that looked obvious before the high-speed line was built. With the HSL, through traffic would likely prefer the faster route. Now I’ll probably do something very operationally interesting, as befits BAHN:
:arrow: split IC2 at Oban and terminate one half,
:arrow: send an ICE directly along the HSL and split it at Oban,
:arrow: couple half the ICE and half the IC2 and send it north to Bertrampton and Cairndow,
:arrow: do something with the other half of the ICE

There will be loop line connecting Oban Central on the Grand Central railway (high-speed line and somewhat out of town)* and Oban Trunk on the Grand Trunk railway (city-centre station). Regional trains will serve both stations. There will also be regional high-speed services, similar to the ones run by Class 395.
*—of course, the Central station is out of town and the other one is the central station
How many regional routes are you planning into Oban? Just the one parallel to IC/IR2, or some more? Are you envisioning a cross-border tri-state city like Basel or rural countryside on your side of the border? (Same question for Torkham.)

And as we are currently in the vicinity: How many trains from WS may I expect in Fochabers? What do you think about an east-west-IC28 (Woostershire) - Fochabers - Crianlarich - Brill, to be faster than the parallel IR28?

Fochabers will be located a few kms to the east of the existing Fochabers Junction station and have its own Fochabers Town station. Trains from north and west are supposed to continue at least until the town station after calling at the junction station.
If you like, I can set up some signaling. The timetable stuff is very helpful. I'm sure I'll come back to it later.
Signalling sounds good, as I’m usually too lazy for that.
By the way, what do you want with St Peter's & Ording? You're welcome to operate the existing HS tracks and platforms. I'll build the local ones adjacent to them and I'll also build the ICC line to the border near St Peter's.
That station’s name is pun on Sankt Peter-Ording. St Peter’s is just a few km away, only a nearby town named Ording is missing for now. The station itself might be located somewhat away from the nearest town, like the french ‘beetfield’ TGV stations (e. g. Aix-en-Provence TGV), but with train connections and less automobile parking.

The ICC (just a placeholder route) will be integrated into a coastal InterCity route St Peter's & Ording – St Peter's-Hoverport – St Peter's – Inverfyne Town – Warstones. The diesel-hauled sections of ICE12 and ICE13 will be included as well. Since St Peter's-Hoverport is in no way a copy of Boulogne-Aéroglisseurs :wink: , it will have direct feeder trains from all directions (except from the west, of course) that connect with the ferries.

Most of Inverfyne is planned as “diesel country” to force the need for doube-headed trains and locomotive changes. Should the occassional open-access TGV from the high-speed line venture that far, it would look like the old TGV Vendée.

Are you interested in some direct trains from your larger towns to St Peter's-Hoverport? Some tourist trains into the Cairngorms National Park? Some trains for the amusement parks south of Queensbury (beyond the standard offer of the regular half-hourly IC20+IC21)?
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Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie