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Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Verfasst: Montag 16. Mai 2011, 11:26
von 1993matias
I'm sorry, I just saw it was my time today. I won't be building this time :(
Consider this an early start, Sascha ;)

I will be able to build in Yenz next slot if Sascha (or Yenz) denies. Now we are at it; if anyone wants my slot the 24th - 28th of June, please say so, as I have my last school days there and can't build.

By the way, when is the map updated ( ... amwork.gif)?

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project

Verfasst: Montag 23. Mai 2011, 10:21
von Sascha Claus
Chris hat geschrieben:Unfortunately, you forgot to reverse the position of first class in the train, so our lovely gold-plated customers have a nice long walk from their cushy lounge that their employers are paying over the odds for :shock:
this would require moving the children's play compartment to somewhere else. Switzerland seems to have no problem with the longer walk for VIPs, they prefer to shorten the way for families with children.
Looking at the timetable for the moment, that looks OK, if you can make that work then I'll take it.
No way to waste more time of IR112 between Boothsbank and Perth, so it moved in place instead of time, to the outer tracks. IR110 now crosses the border at the same time as your ersatz, ready for marriage!

MW4/5 secretly extended to Perth Old Town, but for good transfers, people should change already in New Town. One track per direction in East Wycombe and both Perth town stations; and one half of the platform in Perth Bridge, so high-floor trains now enjoy level boarding. (High-level platforms are an invention of the DIERK NÜCHTERN paintshop from the Rhine-Ruhr area.)
Chris hat geschrieben:Tried following the ICL to Lipsia first thing in the morning - S and C reached the points where they meet within a second of each other. The first ICL from Medford will now depart 2 minutes earlier.
The times at Perth need some additional tweaking anyway.
1993matias hat geschrieben:I know there's a helluva missing departures, but more inhabitants are leaving their cars at home, taking the trams. So soon you'll see a decrease in traffic.
Let's hope for the best! Otherwise you will have problems with the new EU Clean Air acts.
Also, if any jam happens and you'd like to solve it, just delete the cars jamming :)
I'll do this next time I'm stuck in traffic in the real world outside. :lol:
… yes, there is something to see. Something for Matias to resolve I'm looking forward to my next time :P Btw, did you read the infotext?
Yes, and verified that everything mentioned there does actually exist.
1993matias hat geschrieben:I will be able to build in Yenz next slot if Sascha (or Yenz) denies.
OK, I'll hand over yenz’ slot if I get your's.
Now we are at it; if anyone wants my slot the 24th - 28th of June

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project

Verfasst: Montag 23. Mai 2011, 22:51
von 1993matias
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben:Hello,
1993matias hat geschrieben:I will be able to build in Yenz next slot if Sascha (or Yenz) denies.
OK, I'll hand over yenz’ slot if I get your's.
Now we are at it; if anyone wants my slot the 24th - 28th of June
just to make sure we are talking about the same dates ;)

I have from May 27th to May 31st (Yenz' time), and you get my time June 24th to 28th. is that okay? Then I get eight consecutive days (May 27th to June 4th) :D

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Verfasst: Mittwoch 1. Juni 2011, 09:14
von 1993matias
Well.....This is really weird... After 7:00 Wednesday, I got more than 15, maybe even 20 collisions, but none Tuesday. I think I've fixed them all, and I hope they won't come again.

Looks like the game is haunted :P

EDIT: Between 7:15 and 7:20 I got ~15 more. What should I do???

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Verfasst: Mittwoch 1. Juni 2011, 15:37
von Sascha Claus
1993matias hat geschrieben:After 7:00 Wednesday, I got more than 15, maybe even 20 collisions, but none Tuesday. I think I've fixed them all, and I hope they won't come again.

EDIT: Between 7:15 and 7:20 I got ~15 more. What should I do???
who is colliding? Your trains, my trains, trains around Parnell or Northampton? :shock:

Did you already call the British Transport Police?

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Verfasst: Mittwoch 1. Juni 2011, 16:46
von Chris
I tried reproducing it, but all I got was deadlock in South N'mere. (Again. :P ) You tend not to get this very often in real life. It seems like every day in that city is like this. ;)

Hint: put a crossover in at (6973,26589), set southbound traffic to "keep crossings free" on the approach to it. This will prevent the left turn deadlocks at that junction, and keep northbound traffic from backing up onto the major junction to the south.

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Verfasst: Mittwoch 1. Juni 2011, 19:45
von 1993matias
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben:Hello,
who is colliding? Your trains, my trains, trains around Parnell or Northampton? :shock:
Trains everywhere. :? Yours, Chris', and even one of mine! Maybe it is because I had an escaping train from Robbleside to Ardrossan? Or because I was running the game in 'Safe Mode'? Well, I'll try to fix as many as possible.
I have noted that almost all collisions could have been avoided with simple signal installations. Maybe something on the to-do list?

Btw, I think there may be a problem with the ICL, I'll just check it now. I'll report back in an hour.

Speaking of dreadlocks; I haven't got any because I have deleted so many cars. Wonderful!

Are we going to upgrade to 3.86? It costs € 17 which is a little to much for me right now :)

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Verfasst: Mittwoch 1. Juni 2011, 19:58
von Chris
Options > Messages > Control: "Stop ... selected messages only" and "Stop when message store is full" (otherwise you'll miss some). Options > Messages > General - move "head-on collision" to the "Stop" (!) column. You may want to move some others there too. Then you'll find that instead of lots of collisions, you'll catch it after one, which will prevent the huge-queue-of-trains effect.

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Verfasst: Mittwoch 1. Juni 2011, 20:20
von 1993matias
The problem is that I get the errors as fast as I solve them. 33 messages between :31 and :48. I can try to send you the save, to see if you can find the source of the problem - if you want to.

EDIT: I'll wait until later to continue, I just get too stressed with all those messages :|

EDIT2: Okay, something is really, REALLY, * up. I get messages of trains ending up places they shouldn't be, everything is a chaos, collisions everywhere. I'll try to load one of the BAHN backup files to see if that solves the problem.

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Verfasst: Mittwoch 1. Juni 2011, 20:50
von Chris
Do you have a backup (.nt2) save from before it happened? If you haven't built too much since you last saved, you could load from that (.000.nt2 should be the most recent) and see how it develops.

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Verfasst: Mittwoch 1. Juni 2011, 20:57
von 1993matias
Can't do, the oldest is from 7:22, way into the collision chaos :(

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project

Verfasst: Mittwoch 1. Juni 2011, 21:16
von Sascha Claus

sounds bad. :? you can restart with #276 and copy your buildings into it, if you mainly did landscaping.

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Verfasst: Mittwoch 1. Juni 2011, 21:36
von 1993matias
Well, I'll see what I can do on Saturday. I mainly did trams and buses, so it wouldn't be that easy.

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Verfasst: Samstag 4. Juni 2011, 21:04
von Chris
Friday 10:26, tram collision in SN. T5 heading for depot ran signal H12438 and hit an oncoming T2 at (6963,26618).

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Verfasst: Sonntag 5. Juni 2011, 00:34
von 1993matias
Hmmm... Accidents happen. I hope it didn't make too much trouble for you, I'll take a look at it my next time.

If you get similar problems, just reverse the tram going for the depot, it can always try again ;)