English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

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Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1936
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »


third time’s the charm, so here the third and maybe last part:
  • IR11R from Rothesay Pier 🚢 via Cairndow to Montspoor, hourly (Strone border station as current temporary terminus; I don’t remember if it was supposed to be hourly or half-hourly)
  • IR21R from Warstones 🚢 (outside of the map to the north) via Cairndow to east via Dunoon, diesel, hourly (Strone border station as current temporary terminus)
  • IR?? from Cairndow to east via Dunoon, diesel, half-hourly: currently only a placeholder route, will be replaced by IR21R in future
  • IR18C from Warstones 🚢 via Alcester and across the Cairngorm Mountains to Inverchorachan: diesel, half-hourly, maybe further east beyond Inverchorachan
  • as you can see, I’m not only running out of space to write out all placenames on this map; I’m also running out of route numbers :lol:
  • IR19 from Cairndow across the Cairngorm Mountains to Queensbury: diesel, half-hourly, maybe further north beyond Cairndow; not shown on map
  • IR13+17 from Queensbury to Inverchorachan and further (north)east, electric, both together half-hourly
  • IR15+17 from Queensbury to Halifax and further south, electric, both together half-hourly
  • IR16 from St. Catherines (SC) to St. Paul’s (SPl), diesel, half-hourly
  • IR14 from Creggans & Strachur (C&S) to St. Paul’s (SPl), diesel, half-hourly
  • IR12 from Inverfyne (the city) to St. Peter’s (SPt) and St. Peter’s Hoverport (HP) and maybe further south, diesel, half-hourly
  • IR10 from Inverfyne (the city) via St. Peter’s (SPt), St. Paul’s (SPl), Halifax and the two small towns to somewhere on the mainline, diesel, half-hourly; basically along the southern border
  • also not shown on map:
  • IC20/IC21 Cairndow/Inverfyne – St. Catherines (SC) – Queensbury (and its big amusement parks) – Halifax – further south, electric, half-hourly
  • routes north of the Inverfyne Mainline
  • private open-access operators like MLQ who are capturing the tourist market in the Cairngorms
  • all the ferries leaving from the waterfront towns (Km = Kidderminster, Stb = Stourbridge); like in Hoek van Holland
Oh, and did we already talk about regional and goods trains? 8-)
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Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1936
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

Mahlzeit allerseits,

after a long wait the the unbelievable sensation happened: an official new version from me. :lol: V51 was uploaded this afternoon.

Some small errors were caught and corrected, the car shuttle trains between Inverfyne and Morsham on the Island of Byte (which is totally not Sylt) across the two causeways (which are totally not the Hindenburgdamm) did resume services and the Inverfyne car shuttle station was moved to the edge of town.

And additionally, an updated version of the logfile appeared, so that you can have a look at what’s wrong and where.
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1936
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

Juuhdn Ahmd 🗳️,

after the polital map of Germany we also have new political map for our Teamwork:
It is also available on the Google Drive. Did I correclty guess the size and reach of Woostershire?
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Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Samstag 28. Dezember 2024, 18:17
Wohnort: Utrecht (NL)

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von _Erik_ »

Good evening all,

Thanks for the map update and the new version, Sacha. I already did some work on it. Mostly the coastline, lol.

The geographical extent of Woostershire seems about right. Oh, and some islands too? Nice :)

Matias and EN453, I'd love to hear from you in what kind of links you'd be interested.

I made a charcoal sketch of what the territory may look like and the connections I have in mind. It will take some time to build it, of course, and it isn't set in stone. The orange line into Whales is merely a suggestion of a link between the two capitals.
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Wohnort: Utrecht (NL)

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von _Erik_ »

PS: I added all the user defined graphics in the same folder as the layout, but on saving, a warning appears that not all trains are defined and would I still like to safe. I hope it is not damaging anything if I do.
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1936
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

_Erik_ hat geschrieben: Sonntag 23. Februar 2025, 21:09The geographical extent of Woostershire seems about right. Oh, and some islands too? Nice :)
Results in the need for some spectacular bridges (or tunnels). :) Or ferries like at the old RTM.
I made a charcoal sketch of what the territory may look like and the connections I have in mind. It will take some time to build it, of course, and it isn't set in stone.
Looks like I got a new river from the mountaintop down into the valley and up again on the other side? :D
That river (in yellow on my map) doesn’t quite look like an ordinary river. I’d suggest that I do some terraforming to south of Torkham to create some streams that merge in or around Torkham to create a river. Then IC1 and IR1 have to climb out of the Clyde Valley across the nameless pass and slightly down into Torkham.
_Erik_ hat geschrieben: Sonntag 23. Februar 2025, 21:15PS: I added all the user defined graphics in the same folder as the layout, but on saving, a warning appears that not all trains are defined and would I still like to safe. I hope it is not damaging anything if I do.
I did attach all user graphic files into the NT3, they should automatically unpack when opening the layout. But I’m using some vahicles from the “extension pack” from Zoom1 Vehicles for BAHN 3.89r5 . Just unpack bahn.fz1, bahn_en.lnv and bahn_de.lnv into the BAHN program directory (there should already be files with these names) and restart BAHN.

Are you incidentially planning a large port in your area?
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Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Samstag 28. Dezember 2024, 18:17
Wohnort: Utrecht (NL)

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von _Erik_ »

Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Montag 24. Februar 2025, 01:25 Results in the need for some spectacular bridges (or tunnels). :) Or ferries like at the old RTM.
Probably ferries. And thanks for the RTM-link.
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Montag 24. Februar 2025, 01:25 Looks like I got a new river from the mountaintop down into the valley and up again on the other side? :D
Oops. Hm, well, my bad. I was a bit puzzled by the altitude lines. And I used the river to explain the bends in the track between your territories.
If you can solve it with a bit of terraforming I'd be much obliged. Otherwise it's back to the drawing board. :)
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Montag 24. Februar 2025, 01:25 I did attach all user graphic files into the NT3, they should automatically unpack when opening the layout. But I’m using some vahicles from the “extension pack” from Zoom1 Vehicles for BAHN 3.89r5 . Just unpack bahn.fz1, bahn_en.lnv and bahn_de.lnv into the BAHN program directory (there should already be files with these names) and restart BAHN.
Thanks. That worked.
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Montag 24. Februar 2025, 01:25 Are you incidentially planning a large port in your area?
There are certainly possibilities for that. I was thinking of a port on the west side of the capital. Why do you ask?
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1936
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

’n Ahmdchen,
_Erik_ hat geschrieben: Montag 24. Februar 2025, 20:51Probably ferries. And thanks for the RTM-link.
I first heard of this through the major source: Die Bahn auf dem Damm – das RTM-Museum in Südholland.

The original RTM lost out to cars after WW2, accellerated by the large-scale terraforming of the Delta Works. You could build an alternative history where the dams and bridges contain 2 car lanes + 2 stoomtram tracks instead of 4 car lanes and use modern rolling stock.
Oops. Hm, well, my bad. I was a bit puzzled by the altitude lines. And I used the river to explain the bends in the track between your territories.
Yes, the downward indicators are missing. I should add some.
Thanks. That worked.
Now you can prepare for easter by searching for new vehicles in BAHN that weren’t included in the original installation. :D
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Montag 24. Februar 2025, 01:25Are you incidentially planning a large port in your area?
There are certainly possibilities for that. I was thinking of a port on the west side of the capital. Why do you ask?
:roll: Beecauseeee … I need consumption goods to keep my population happy. I’m currently aiming for a port in Inverfyne about the size of Bremerhaven Port. Bremerhaven handles 130 trains per week (65 in- + 65 outbound) which move 45% of all containers. So if Inverfyne port is the same size and moves 90% of its containers by train, that are 130 trains per week per direction. Rounded up to 140, that’s 20 trains per day, which is one container train per hour (and four hours of nightly break) from Inverfyne port to the hinterland. That might be 5 routes, with 4 container trains per day to … (1) Cairndow, (2) Torkham, (3) Clydesgow, (4) maybe Coates?, (5) maybe Woostershire between Cairndow and Torkham?, …

More seaports mean more sources for container (and maybe other goods) trains. :) And Bremerhaven is one of the smaller ports, so there is room for larger ones that send more trains into the world.
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Samstag 28. Dezember 2024, 18:17
Wohnort: Utrecht (NL)

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von _Erik_ »

Good evening,

I'm rethinking the altitude lines in the north and east of Woostershire. And with that the course of rivers and not yet existing railway lines. What is the difference in height between 2 lines? 10m, 25m, 100m...? The terrain is probably a bit more rugged then I thought.

About the ports. No detailed plans yet, but I like the idea of a port and handling goods traffic from ports in Inverfyne and Woostershire. The grand trunk line along the River Clyde seems an obvious route from Clydesgow to Bertrampton (WS) and then north/northwest to Inverfyne.
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1936
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

Juuhd Aahmd,
_Erik_ hat geschrieben: Dienstag 25. Februar 2025, 20:31What is the difference in height between 2 lines? 10m, 25m, 100m...? The terrain is probably a bit more rugged then I thought.
height difference would be somewhere between 10m and 1000m. :wink: I didn’t make detailed plans, just ‘there is the valley, there is a mountain, there is side valley and a pass between tho mountains …’ If it remains vague, there cannot be any problem where something doesn’t fit.
The grand trunk line along the River Clyde seems an obvious route from Clydesgow to Bertrampton (WS) and then north/northwest to Inverfyne.
:thumbsup: Thas was the plan. Note that my existing lines (HSL Clydesgow – Oban – St. Peter’s & Ording and its branches St. Peter’s & Ording – Inverfyne and 2nd Jcn – Inverchorachan, HSL 2nd Jcn – Torkham) are not intended for goods trains (since they would be a small obstruction for 300 km/h), so there should be need for some old railway lines predating the ICE.
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 18:53
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Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von 1993matias »

_Erik_ hat geschrieben: Sonntag 23. Februar 2025, 21:09 Good evening all,

Thanks for the map update and the new version, Sacha. I already did some work on it. Mostly the coastline, lol.

The geographical extent of Woostershire seems about right. Oh, and some islands too? Nice :)

Matias and EN453, I'd love to hear from you in what kind of links you'd be interested.

I made a charcoal sketch of what the territory may look like and the connections I have in mind. It will take some time to build it, of course, and it isn't set in stone. The orange line into Whales is merely a suggestion of a link between the two capitals.
Hello, sorry for my absence :) You are very welcome to add some cross border trains and lines. My suggestions are as follows:

1: New line next to the existing one bypassing Sascha's border station (Strone). I would make a new line along another valley down to the big city (Redbanks) there
2: New line down the valley for not so frequent services in the sparsely populated mountains. Maybe a few IR/IC trains per day?
3: Existing border crossing at Farris to Coates, main connection southward. Send all you want here, but I expect regional services to terminate at the border station.
4: Existing border crossing over the big river, ready for long distance services to Flornes and Bordele, and regional services to terminate at Keswick.

Any night trains to Bordele or beyond are more than welcome.
If you are in doubt when there are available timetable slots for long distance trains on the Farris (#4) border crossing, then just ask. The schedules are not that easy to guess when there are two termini in Coates, lines merging, and frequent S-train services.
Kind regards - Matias
Denmark 2018 in BAHN finished! Mostly, at least
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1936
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

_Erik_ hat geschrieben: Sonntag 23. Februar 2025, 21:09Thanks for the map update and the new version, Sacha. I already did some work on it. Mostly the coastline, lol.
I just noticed that you drew a line that is bypassing my Inverchorachan in the north. Is this intentional or just inaccurate handpainting? :) And somehow we have to find an agreement about Torkham, as the northern half of the city is lying north of the border. :roll:
1993matias hat geschrieben: Mittwoch 26. Februar 2025, 12:201: New line next to the existing one bypassing Sascha's border station (Strone). I would make a new line along another valley down to the big city (Redbanks) there
Bypassing me? :angry-steamingears: ;)
2: New line down the valley for not so frequent services in the sparsely populated mountains. Maybe a few IR/IC trains per day?
They could come from Torkham or even further away.
3: Existing border crossing at Farris to Coates, main connection southward. Send all you want here, but I expect regional services to terminate at the border station.
Where the services would meet my IC12.
Also, when looking at the map, one is noticing that there could be an interregional service from west via Farris and eastward along the winding river towards Willey.
4: Existing border crossing over the big river, ready for long distance services to Flornes and Bordele, and regional services to terminate at Keswick.
Which would probably include my placeholder IR23.
Any night trains to Bordele or beyond are more than welcome.
Makes note. Although night trains from south would probably arrive from south of Clydeshire, as it doesn’t take 8+ hours to traverse my part of the valley. Clydeshire would send colourful daytrains. (Of course, same applies to other neighbours around me.)
If you are in doubt when there are available timetable slots for long distance trains on the Farris (#4) border crossing, then just ask. The schedules are not that easy to guess when there are two termini in Coates, lines merging, and frequent S-train services.
You forgot the the goods tains! :P
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Samstag 28. Dezember 2024, 18:17
Wohnort: Utrecht (NL)

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von _Erik_ »


Sorry for my late reply.

Thanks for the suggestions for connections Matias and your comments Sacha.
1993matias hat geschrieben: Mittwoch 26. Februar 2025, 12:20 4: Existing border crossing over the big river, ready for long distance services to Flornes and Bordele, and regional services to terminate at Keswick.
I was definitely thinking about trains from Willey to the west. In fact that will be more or less the backbone of the Woostershire network. Day- and nighttrains all the way to Flornes and Bordele is a great idea. Maybe an IC every 2 hours during the day and a night train in either direction (every night?). Regional services to Walcote?
1993matias hat geschrieben: Mittwoch 26. Februar 2025, 12:20 3: Existing border crossing at Farris to Coates, main connection southward. Send all you want here, but I expect regional services to terminate at the border station.
Of course. Besides the existing IC12 from Torkham, I have an idea for an IC/regional express train from my capital to Coates. Still working on an image with the routes.
1993matias hat geschrieben: Mittwoch 26. Februar 2025, 12:20 2: New line down the valley for not so frequent services in the sparsely populated mountains. Maybe a few IR/IC trains per day?
Yes, probably an IR from Sippford on the Torkham-Farriss line and potentially further south. To where? Redbanks?
1993matias hat geschrieben: Mittwoch 26. Februar 2025, 12:20 1: New line next to the existing one bypassing Sascha's border station (Strone). I would make a new line along another valley down to the big city (Redbanks) there
Hahaha, Sounds like a plan. Still thinking about the connections in Woostershire. Probably Bertrampton (capital) or Jeevesden on the Clydeshire-Inverfyne line.
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Mittwoch 26. Februar 2025, 18:14 Also, when looking at the map, one is noticing that there could be an interregional service from west via Farris and eastward along the winding river towards Willey.
Indeed. Again via Sippford. Looks like it's becoming a bit of a hub.

For now, there is still a lot of building and planning to do on my side. So, I hogged a bit more building time :)
I'll upload a intermediate version 51.1 of the network so you can see what I've been up to and see if all your trains are sill running according to plan ;)
One of these days I'll also upload a schematic overview and/or description of the Woostershire network.
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1936
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

_Erik_ hat geschrieben: Montag 3. März 2025, 21:31Sorry for my late reply.
late replys are only allowed if you have other duties like work, family or other hobbies! :lol:
Besides the existing IC12 from Torkham, I have an idea for an IC/regional express train from my capital to Coates.
My half-hourly IC12 is already prepared to be split into two hourly routes, with IC12W to Coates West and IC12C to Coates Continental. This leaves one hourly gap to each of the Coates termini, which could be filled by your route (with a cross-platform transfer at Farris).

And then there are the planned, additional rush-hour trains, which will fill IC1 to a 15min-interval until Torkham (but only morning and evening). One half would continue northwards to Coates (as usual), aiming for tourists and business travellers. The other half, instead of becoming IC11, could deliver tourists into the surroundings: Willey – Bordele – coast, the surrounding countryside, the mountains, … There will only be a handful of trains each day, and each one could serve a different direction.
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Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 18:53
Wohnort: Dänemark

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von 1993matias »

_Erik_ hat geschrieben: Montag 3. März 2025, 21:31 Hello,

Sorry for my late reply.

Thanks for the suggestions for connections Matias and your comments Sacha.
1993matias hat geschrieben: Mittwoch 26. Februar 2025, 12:20 4: Existing border crossing over the big river, ready for long distance services to Flornes and Bordele, and regional services to terminate at Keswick.
I was definitely thinking about trains from Willey to the west. In fact that will be more or less the backbone of the Woostershire network. Day- and nighttrains all the way to Flornes and Bordele is a great idea. Maybe an IC every 2 hours during the day and a night train in either direction (every night?). Regional services to Walcote?
That sounds very good, IC every two hours and regional services every hour with extra rush hour services? Feel free to define the frequencies and I will find a free spot in the timetable on the mainline. It's a bit crowded.
_Erik_ hat geschrieben: Montag 3. März 2025, 21:31
1993matias hat geschrieben: Mittwoch 26. Februar 2025, 12:20 3: Existing border crossing at Farris to Coates, main connection southward. Send all you want here, but I expect regional services to terminate at the border station.
Of course. Besides the existing IC12 from Torkham, I have an idea for an IC/regional express train from my capital to Coates. Still working on an image with the routes.
Capacity is limited due to the S-trains sharing tracks with the long distance services. I may not be able to find another fast timetable slot for more IC!
_Erik_ hat geschrieben: Montag 3. März 2025, 21:31
1993matias hat geschrieben: Mittwoch 26. Februar 2025, 12:20 2: New line down the valley for not so frequent services in the sparsely populated mountains. Maybe a few IR/IC trains per day?
Yes, probably an IR from Sippford on the Torkham-Farriss line and potentially further south. To where? Redbanks?
Yes, Redbanks is the large city in the area. You are completely free to do any kind of train with any schedule you want since the line has not been built yet :)
_Erik_ hat geschrieben: Montag 3. März 2025, 21:31 One of these days I'll also upload a schematic overview and/or description of the Woostershire network.
Looking forward to it!
Kind regards - Matias
Denmark 2018 in BAHN finished! Mostly, at least