English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

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Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1935
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

Ahoi hoi,
1993matias hat geschrieben: Donnerstag 19. Oktober 2023, 08:47IR20 would be extended to Redbanks via the junction at Trimsaran.
:thumbsup: Do you need tilting trains for your part?
IR10 on the other hand doesn't seem to have a line over the hills to Montspoor from Alvechurch.
Yes, an old relic from long time ago. *takes out rubber*
Or would you rather extend IR?? to Montspoor? Although it seems like a bit of a detour to go to Redbanks the long way.
Indeed, that’s why it was supposed to go north. With a lack of a line from Henley northward into Montspoor and also no country on the other end, that seems to be another case for the eraser.
Maybe a train a couple of times per day to Pembroke from Cairndow via Henley could use that connection? But that's an issue for a future time, I'd prefer to focus on IR20 for now.
Sounds like an idea. The Cairndow Coastal Hugger :D Does Pembroke offer some ferry connections of interest to tourists? To faraway lands or nearby islands?
Which rolling stock did you have in mind for IR20? I'd prefer DMU since the platforms at Redbanks are already quite full and there is not much space for shuntin operations yet
IR20 comes from Inverfyne together with IR10 and IR12 and is split enroute twice. I was already planning to use RegioSwingers (DB class 612), but now I’m thinking about using the Scandinavian rubber noses.

Two sections on IR12 to Warstones, one section on IR10 to Alvechurch and one section on the small IR20 to Henley or two sections on the large IR20 to Redbanks.
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[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 18:53
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Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von 1993matias »

Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Freitag 20. Oktober 2023, 01:00 [... IR20]
Do you need tilting trains for your part?
No, it will not be necessary. With two stopping services per hour there will not be capacity for extra fast trains :)
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Freitag 20. Oktober 2023, 01:00
1993matias hat geschrieben: Donnerstag 19. Oktober 2023, 08:47Maybe a train a couple of times per day to Pembroke from Cairndow via Henley could use that connection? But that's an issue for a future time, I'd prefer to focus on IR20 for now.
Sounds like an idea. The Cairndow Coastal Hugger :D Does Pembroke offer some ferry connections of interest to tourists? To faraway lands or nearby islands?
From Pembroke it will probably be faraway destinations with boat-trains timed with the ferry schedules :D
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Freitag 20. Oktober 2023, 01:00 IR20 comes from Inverfyne together with IR10 and IR12 and is split enroute twice. I was already planning to use RegioSwingers (DB class 612), but now I’m thinking about using the Scandinavian rubber noses.

Two sections on IR12 to Warstones, one section on IR10 to Alvechurch and one section on the small IR20 to Henley or two sections on the large IR20 to Redbanks.
Nice, rubber noses! Good idea. How often would IR20 continue from Henley-i-A to Redbanks?
Kind regards - Matias
Denmark 2018 in BAHN finished! Mostly, at least
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1935
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

1993matias hat geschrieben: Freitag 20. Oktober 2023, 16:29From Pembroke it will probably be faraway destinations with boat-trains timed with the ferry schedules :D
Ahh, great! Then these train(s) will carry through coaches from further away, like the few daily trains to Emden Außenhafen or Norddeich Mole. One day train from Torkham (and maybe further south/east) and one from Queensbury (and further south), shuffled around somewhere, and sent as boat trains to Pembroke and Warstones. :-) And of course the same with ~12 hours offset for the night trains.
Nice, rubber noses! Good idea. How often would IR20 continue from Henley-i-A to Redbanks?
Ordinary frequency will be half-hourly, maybe some additional rush-hour trains for a 15min interval. Trains could be extended to Redbanks at any desired multiple of 30min (or 15min in rush hour), but I don’t yet know whether the arrivals & departures in Henley-in-Arden will cluster around :15/:45 or around :00/:30.
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 18:53
Wohnort: Dänemark

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von 1993matias »

It may be quiet, but it is not dead :) Progress on the eastward expansion of Montspoor is underway. This mountainous country flattens out considerably in the east, but so, too, seems the population density. Lots of open space.
Railway services expected to start in 2025 probably :whistle: Not all lines have been actually built yet, but only traced.
Kind regards - Matias
Denmark 2018 in BAHN finished! Mostly, at least
Santa Claus
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Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Santa Claus »

Merry Christmas 🎅,

long time no read (again). To disperse romours about a seasonal hibernation, I’ve just uploaded a new version of the teamwork (first one for three months :o ). News are a small section of railway north of the Inverfyne Mainline and the first scheduled traffic movements in Cldyeshire Airport ✈. :-)

🎇 Happy New Year! 🎆
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind.
--Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 18:53
Wohnort: Dänemark

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von 1993matias »

Don't worry about the lack of updates from my side. I am hard at work behind the scenes (some may call it cheating :shhh: ). Hundreds of kilometres of new track with stations, speed limits, curves, and even some signals are soon coming to the main layout file. You can have a sneak peek here:
Bordele South Station, the former main connection towards Coates. Now most of it is being dismantled after the construction of a new rail line connecting North and South stations. Some wish to keep this station for the occasional auto-train and for other irregular services, others would rather see expensive housing developed on the valuable land.

Bolsward is an important junction and marks the end of the quadruple track from Bordele. All trains stop here, and some also terminate. There are flyovers both east and west of the station.

Working our way towards Flornes we find Workum. It is one of the termini of the commuter rail system of Bordele, although InterCity services pass through at 120 kph.

Flornes Central, 15 platform tracks and two through tracks for freight trains. Here Coates - Bordele IC trains must turn around due to the unfortunate location and orientation of the station. There is a complicated station approach several kilometres long ensuring conflict-free paths for almost all trains with several flyovers and intermediate signals. The itineraries for the signals were a pain to set up, but I hope it pays off in the future.
Kind regards - Matias
Denmark 2018 in BAHN finished! Mostly, at least
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1935
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

looks good. Do you have a map at hand? I don't have a working BAHN here on my smartphone to look it up.

Holiday Greetings from Asturias!
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 18:53
Wohnort: Dänemark

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von 1993matias »

Yes, of course! The eastern part of Montspoor is seen here with labels. Also note the future rail ferry between Ferryden and Selden


The full map of Montspoor can be seen here. You can open the image for full resolution:
Kind regards - Matias
Denmark 2018 in BAHN finished! Mostly, at least
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 18:53
Wohnort: Dänemark

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von 1993matias »

Version 30 has been uploaded! Introducing the eastern half of Montspoor with hundreds of kilometres of new railway lines!

Currently in operation is only R71 from Bordele to Penmarch and R77 on a branch line from Medis. Schedules for IC and stopping services from Coates to Bordele are ready, as are schedules for R73 from Penmarch to Ferryden and IC trains on the train ferry. Only thing missing is a actual ferry big enough to carry trains - no standard graphics are quite suitably, unfortunately.

In other news, the first fully built-up city in Montspoor has appeared! See if you can spot it and its nice little surprise

The layout can - as usual - be downloaded from Google Drive via the link in the first post (or by clicking here)

Sascha: There seems to be some user graphics for vehicles missing on my end since version 29. Did you remember to include them?
Kind regards - Matias
Denmark 2018 in BAHN finished! Mostly, at least
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1935
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

’n Ahmdchen,
1993matias hat geschrieben: Donnerstag 14. März 2024, 12:10Version 30 has been uploaded! Introducing the eastern half of Montspoor with hundreds of kilometres of new railway lines!
I can also see quite a few seaside villages, which will certainly be very welcoming for the seasonal invasion of Clydeshire holidayers. 8)

And Zarrentin and Testorf finally got a railway connection. :lol:
Sascha: There seems to be some user graphics for vehicles missing on my end since version 29. Did you remember to include them?
Which ones exactly? No missing graphics here. But I installed the “graphics add-on” from http://www.jbss.de/zoom2_en.html, maybe some cars are from there.
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Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Montag 17. Oktober 2022, 22:40

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von romanzaharov »

Hello, i would like to join this project. This is my first teamwork. I would like to build Haydon town for the beginning.
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1935
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

Glück auf,
romanzaharov hat geschrieben: Dienstag 19. März 2024, 16:41i would like to join this project.
great! :) Theres plenty of space available in our two-man-show.
I would like to build Haydon town for the beginning.
I’ve updated the map:
• Light blue are my areas: Clydeshire (with capital Clydesgow) in the middle and Inverfyne (with capital Inverfyne) top left (aka northwest).

• Top central and right (aka north and northeast) is 1993matias’ area Montspoor (with capital Coates), bordered by light yellow (and Inverfyne).

• Bottom left (aka southeast) is ZXS91’s area Otčina (light green), where I’am not so sure about the exact borders. The owner seems to be missing lately. :-(

Where would you like Haydon to be located? At the sea, in the mountains, close to somewhere else? On an island connected by train ferries?
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Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 18:53
Wohnort: Dänemark

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von 1993matias »

romanzaharov hat geschrieben: Dienstag 19. März 2024, 16:41 Hello, i would like to join this project. This is my first teamwork. I would like to build Haydon town for the beginning.
Welcome! I look forward to see your creations on our shared map :) Please read the first message in this thread to familiarize yourself with the idea of a teamwork. All necessary files should be in the Google Drive folder. I'll give you access when I get home to my computer within a few days
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Donnerstag 14. März 2024, 21:44
1993matias hat geschrieben: Donnerstag 14. März 2024, 12:10Sascha: There seems to be some user graphics for vehicles missing on my end since version 29. Did you remember to include them?
Which ones exactly? No missing graphics here. But I installed the “graphics add-on” from http://www.jbss.de/zoom2_en.html, maybe some cars are from there.
From your en-teamwork user graphics file. Did you update it recently?
Kind regards - Matias
Denmark 2018 in BAHN finished! Mostly, at least
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1935
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

1993matias hat geschrieben: Freitag 22. März 2024, 15:23Please read the first message in this thread to familiarize yourself with the idea of a teamwork.
ahh yes, especially:
Avoid unnecessary dispatcher messages (the yellow phone), either by keeping your trains on time always and forever, or by disabling late and missed departure notifications where you deem them unnecessary.

Code: Alles auswählen

  0 Sun  9:31:35            M        M-R71  7121. Trailing-point turnout passed facing: #6755
  0 Sun  9:32:05            M        M-R71  7117. Trailing-point turnout passed facing: #7091
  0 Sun  9:32:45            M        M-IC4   419. Trailing-point turnout passed facing: #4562
  0 Sun  9:33:38            M        M-R62  6215. Trailing-point turnout passed facing: #4626
  0 Sun  9:34:01            M        M-S31  3122. Counter overflow at sig system Cc_pl10

I’ve uploaded a new Version 30½, which will add errors in my ICE routes, but it should contain all user graphic files used in the network (including the new classic, Chris’ almost-complete British stock set). You can use it to check for missing user graphics. The next full version will have ICEs running on the Great Central Railway.
All necessary files should be in the Google Drive folder. I'll give you access when I get home to my computer within a few days
@romanzaharov: You need a Google account to access the Teamwork folder, but you can use a different email address to register for it than you used for the BAHN forum.
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Donnerstag 14. März 2024, 21:44From your en-teamwork user graphics file. Did you update it recently?
Maybe, it has been quite while since my last update to the Teamwork.
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 18:53
Wohnort: Dänemark

Re: English Teamwork 2 planning and discussion

Beitrag von 1993matias »

Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Samstag 23. März 2024, 13:31 Mahlzeit,
1993matias hat geschrieben: Freitag 22. März 2024, 15:23Please read the first message in this thread to familiarize yourself with the idea of a teamwork.
ahh yes, especially:
Avoid unnecessary dispatcher messages (the yellow phone), either by keeping your trains on time always and forever, or by disabling late and missed departure notifications where you deem them unnecessary.

Code: Alles auswählen

  0 Sun  9:31:35            M        M-R71  7121. Trailing-point turnout passed facing: #6755
  0 Sun  9:32:05            M        M-R71  7117. Trailing-point turnout passed facing: #7091
  0 Sun  9:32:45            M        M-IC4   419. Trailing-point turnout passed facing: #4562
  0 Sun  9:33:38            M        M-R62  6215. Trailing-point turnout passed facing: #4626
  0 Sun  9:34:01            M        M-S31  3122. Counter overflow at sig system Cc_pl10
Hey, it's cheating if you turn on all warnings :lol: But I'll see to the trailing point errors next time. Thanks
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben: Samstag 23. März 2024, 13:31 I’ve uploaded a new Version 30½, which will add errors in my ICE routes, but it should contain all user graphic files used in the network (including the new classic, Chris’ almost-complete British stock set). You can use it to check for missing user graphics. The next full version will have ICEs running on the Great Central Railway.

- - -

Do you have any use for a section of a night train arriving from Coates via Redbanks at Cairndow at 2:45-ish and 5:45-ish? Direction westwards.
The return trips would leave Cairndow 22:50-ish and 1:50-ish eastwards.
The 2:45/1:50 terminate at Coates while the 5:45/22:50 terminate at Bordele - these also serve as a last/first IC service Cairndow-Redbanks.

How big would the night train sections be? See this for an example of a night train composition - your own night train wagons are also more than welcome.

I am also finalizing the InterCity schedules to prepare the start of the services. Are the train compositions mentioned in this post still possible? viewtopic.php?p=67775#p67775
Kind regards - Matias
Denmark 2018 in BAHN finished! Mostly, at least