Tool: Circles

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Tool: Circles

Beitrag von Chris »

I got bored and used some wholly inappropriate means to create some circles. People have complemented me on my curves in the past, but I've always had some niggling that some of them don't look right, particularly at large radii, so I've built these.

This "layout" has circles from a diameter of 4 tiles up to 355 (because that's what fit in 4096x4096), each labelled with an estimate of the curve radius at 64/km (which is probably wrong). They're static elements rather than ways because static elements were easier to do. Copy out the desired size, place one track element on each platform tile, and it should become obvious what goes where.

(For reference, in GB the usual minimum curve for railways is 200R for passengers, 150R for freight and 125R for sidings, while the usual maximum curve for a normal roundabout is 100R.)

Hopefully this proves useful to people looking to make their networks more beautiful.
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Registriert: Dienstag 6. November 2012, 20:01

Re: Tool: Circles

Beitrag von Voimala »

Looks very nice and helpful!

I would hope that in next beta version the "Build connection" feature had 22.5 degree segments included because its still too much work to go manually back and forth in the build menus to get even a basic railroad line without harsh curves.