Wunsche - in English, sorry.

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Beiträge: 58
Registriert: Mittwoch 4. Mai 2005, 16:10
Wohnort: Tirphil, Wales

Wunsche - in English, sorry.

Beitrag von DW »

It would be very useful if a datachange point could be allowed to change the <Go off-duty> property immediately, as well as changing the off-duty time.
Jan Bochmann
Beiträge: 2205
Registriert: Sonntag 16. März 2003, 15:25

Re: Wunsche - in English, sorry.

Beitrag von Jan Bochmann »


<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">It would be very useful if a datachange point could be allowed to change the <Go off-duty> property immediately, as well as changing the off-duty time.</tr></td></table>

"Y=X" for clearing the "go off-duty" status is simple and will come up with Beta2.

However, "Y=S" or Y="N" in analogy to "G=S" or "G=N" does not work because there is no defined target: If the train has a defined home depot, then this could be used. Else, another one must be given, and that makes it a bit more complicated (especially when deleting depots, we had many trouble with this...). Really needed?

Jan B.
Sascha Claus
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Re: Wunsche - in English, sorry.

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">[Datachange point sets Go off-duty property]

[...] If the train has a defined home depot, then this could be used. Else, another one must be given, and that makes it a bit more complicated (especially when deleting depots, we had many trouble with this...). Really needed?</tr></td></table>
A datachange point is availiable to change the line, so why not using a special line leading the train to his depot?

Example: You have a line 1. At the datachange point you change the line to 1_E and adjust the switches so your train goes to the depot. There you have to order your depot to eat all oncoming trains, not only trains heading for this depot.
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Beiträge: 58
Registriert: Mittwoch 4. Mai 2005, 16:10
Wohnort: Tirphil, Wales

Re: Wunsche - in English, sorry.

Beitrag von DW »

<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">Hello,

However, "Y=S" or Y="N" in analogy to "G=S" or "G=N" does not work because there is no defined target: If the train has a defined home depot, then this could be used. Else, another one must be given, and that makes it a bit more complicated (especially when deleting depots, we had many trouble with this...). Really needed?

Jan B.
</tr></td></table>Not really, I suppose; I can work round it with some complicated pointwork in this particular case. I have a train returning to home station and then to home depot at the end of service. I need to run the engine round before going into the depot. If the train is late (e.g. because all the stops hit maximum delay by random chance) this runs into time problems with another train, so I wanted to be able to set "Go off duty" the instant the run-round was completed.
Beiträge: 46
Registriert: Donnerstag 17. November 2005, 22:21

Re: Wunsche - in English, sorry.

Beitrag von Blöky »

<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">I have a train returning to home station and then to home depot at the end of service. I need to run the engine round before going into the depot.</tr></td></table>
I use the same way, but I design the pointwork to be able to avoid route confusions. It requires a bit more work, but useful.
<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote"> If the train is late (e.g. because all the stops hit maximum delay by random chance) this runs into time problems with another train</tr></td></table>
I design separated arrival tracks for all (but minimum both) incoming directions at node stations, so the most amount of problems with another trains should be pervented.
<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">...so I wanted to be able to set "Go off duty" the instant the run-round was completed.</tr></td></table>
Eg. the estimated arrival is 19h, I set the train's off-duty property to 18:45. If the train is late, it will keep its off-duty set and will find the route to the depot.
A specias case is when the train has (actually 2, 3 or more trains have) a cycle of 2... days. If there ara off-duty times all day (but different times and/or depots) I manipulate the trains' on- and off-duty times (and depots if neccessary) by data changes (these are udually long distance trains with following each other by more hours, so this method is safe).
If the trains go to depot only once in their cycle, I don't set explicite off-duty times but use time parameters at the appropriate junction. Well, if a close following is built into the same route, it is dangerous... then I use a special route name (see sample above "1_E") but I put the data change close after the timing point which affects the train last before going off-duty. So it is safe enough that the appropriate train gets the new route.
Another way is using a pseudo-depot on the track section where the train passes some minutes after its off-duty time and it will clear that state. But it should be done very-very carefully [img]icon_exclaim.gif[/img]
In 3.84 beta there are more new possibilities, e.g. train umber as incoming parameter, but I haven't yet exploited them by this time...

But a question to Jan: could not be Y=G statements parameterized by depot name? E.g. "routeX(<times>, G:<depot_ID>)"
Jan Bochmann
Beiträge: 2205
Registriert: Sonntag 16. März 2003, 15:25

Re: Wunsche - in English, sorry.

Beitrag von Jan Bochmann »


<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
But a question: could not be Y=G statements parameterized by depot name? E.g. "routeX(<times>, G:<depot_ID>)"</tr></td></table>

Until now: not. A train going off-duty doesn't store the target depot as direct value. Instead, it stores the line number that caused the status, or a code for the home-depot instead (when the status was set manually). In result, this parameter cannot be set anyway because it doesn't exist.

However, for some other reason this technique will be changed in the future. In result, something like "routeX(Y=S:depot_ID:track)" will become possible.

Ofcourse, it is not needed, because there is a turn-around available also in previous BAHN versions: Define a route-code that leads the trains to the depot, and set this route for the trains you need. That can use the same conditions, ie. time intervals and -from 3.84- also train numbers.

Kind regards
Jan Bochmann